Hasmonean, located in Hendon and Mill Hill, London is an outstanding school and was ranked top non-selective comprehensive school in the country. Regularly ranked as one of the top non-selective state schools in the country by The Times and Sunday Times, their students attain consistently high standards in their GCSE, BTEC and A Level examinations. The vast majority of graduates proceed to study in world-class yeshivas and seminaries, before pursuing university education and a wide variety of careers.
Hasmonean High School is a centre of educational excellence serving the Orthodox Jewish Community of North-West London. Boys and girls are taught separately on two campuses.
Alongside a commitment to education is a determination that every Hasmonean student understands their place in their own community and wider British society. Teaching them to embrace their place in the world around them is achieved through various aspects of the curriculum and a broader social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) educational programme.
We were very pleased to be invited to design their prospectus by an established client.